February 14, 2008

Way back to hostel...

Date: 12th February 2008

The new cycle, Tuberculosis cycle, which is quite common in Russia here..that’s why there’s a special tuberculosis hospital specifically for tuberculosis patient. Johnny had blog about the adventure to the far tuberculosis hospital. So, I am here to blog about our way back to hostel.

We took another shorter journey back to our hostel, but we have to pay for it! Pay for 2 buses. So it’s around 14 roubles. If we walk back to the initial bus stop , where we came, we will only need to pay half of it, which is 7 roubles. But, today, we took the more expensive way. Hahaha…

So, here are the pictures way back to our hostel..hehehe..

Something hit my ankles and it hurts for a while….

Lets continue walking, we got to walking for several minutes to reach to the bus stop…

Take a photo first..ahhaha..

Saw this statue, it written there, Here, Buried a valorous (Brave) Soviet Soldier…There’s some more memorial cemetery near the hospital.

Continue walking….

Till we reached a small basketball court.. of which the floor had frozen….so…

We went in there, to try if it’s suitable for skating, and yea, its quite good for skating, but the space is too small…hahaha..

View along the way to bus stop…

The crystal trees?

Lets take picture with the trees…

Lynn wei joined us…haha..

The houses…

Finally, we reached the road, not the main one though, thus need to walk a few kilometers more along the road…to reach the main one….

Stop for a while, took a photo of Johnny with the beautiful trees behind there…

The main road here…

Bus stop, were waiting for the bus now!

After a few minutes ride, we reached the final stop of the bus, everyone got down, and walk to another bus stop to take the second bus back to the hostel! Well, that’s it!

Went to get my pocket money right after I got down from the bus. The rate for usd now is 23.98 roubles.

I am looking forward tomorrow’s journey to the hospital again! It’s was fun especially at the sloping ground there, where you need to climb up and slide down ..haha…cause that’s the part where most people are afraid of..hehe…


Anonymous said...

i really appreciate the way u present all the pictures.... why don't u post all these in didofamily....the readers there will be very interested...dad said not to be too playful along the snowy path.... a bit dangerous...

Anonymous said...

hahah...see la..cause got bryan's pictures...so i think he wont be happy if i expose it to too many people..some more...now more and more ppl here, i mean my groupmates had discovered my didofamily blog, so cant write something private there, cause they might use it as joke next time..so better keep it as secret...ahahhaha...

Anonymous said...

the picture of small basketball court and the next 4 pictures all not able to view....post again ...ok??

BreezY said...

ok! i edited the code..so you should be able to view it! hehehe..