February 16, 2008

Snowy journey..

Date: 15th February 2008

Another day of tuberculosis. Walk the same road, same way to the far far hospital. Took some scenery picture a long the way. Today, everything was cover by snow cause it was snowing yesterday, thus different scenery.

The river …all white color..haha…

But still, there is some watery part..

Snowy bridge…look better than the one without snow.

Today, the small sloping hill was covered with snow…I was planning to slide down like Johnny did yesterday, but too bad, cant, cause too much snows….

See the guy in front…he was actually behind us..but he walk so fast that he cut our way..even the small hill is just a normal road for him…he just walk down like dat..not like us , stopped there and think on how to get down…hahaha…

Teacher’s teaching material, all the x-rays.

View from classroom window…

This is where we change and keep our jacket….

This is what I did after the class, what did I do? I went down to the river and walk on it! Hahah..it was so much fun….

Trying to write an N letter on the river since the snow is undisturbed….its not very clearly seen in the photo….

Took this through the holes of the bridge…

Then I crossed to the other side using river…while Johnny using the bridge..hahaha..After crossing the river I got to climb up a small hill……..

After that, looking for a better way to climb up! Finally I reached the top…phew..hahaha. Wanna see the video? Please visit Johnny’s blog!

The snowy view along the way…

Found a new way back…gonna try it today…hahaha…and it feels like this road is shorter than the other one! Hahaha.. going to use this road tomorrow then…

See their post? It’s a group of post….it’s not put by one in every house, but a group together…

Well…..is that called well? I think so..really got water inside oh…but not sure if people still using it or not…

Bricks for building the house…

Along the way..both of my sides are all houses…

Found a small play ground..

Saw this wide snowy land…it’s just behind the houses…I think it’s like a place for them to plant their veggies..like ours back at home..but this one is so big…hmm….but now winter…so nothing..maybe summer will have some potatoes, carrots plant…hmm….
Got to go to class liao..hehee..Bye~


Anonymous said...

You are a bit naughty, are u sure that the frozen surface of the river is hard enough for u to run on it.....if the ice broke then u will drop into the ice cold water....don't u think that is dangerous.....

Anonymous said...

hahaha..mum, dad, dun worry la...the river is very hard...the ice is so thick! STill got people fishing at the middle of the river ahh..ahhaha...some it's so cold, below the freezing point...