January 04, 2009

Group 4, 2009 AGM

First of all, before the dinner started, let me take a photo with a peanut biscuit brought by Ting from Malaysia! Hahaha….

Andrew washing bowl…

Eddy, still haven’t finish frying his chicken wings….

Teo, shi how and shoo hao were sitting waiting for everyone for the dinner to start…
Teo hitting the bowl to call for everyone…..

Lynn wei, Me, and Kelvin were chatting while waiting….
What were we chatting???

Kelvin was imitating different people of their own usual post in taking photos…

These were the earliest people on the New Year dining table…

Dinner almost ready now!!

Dinner started with the Toast, at 7.54pm [was planned at 7.00pm]

Kelvin suggested that everyone had to say their New year wishes during toasting,
Well, actually Johnny had already listed it down already, but I added in some details….starting from
Eddy: I wish all of us will get posting in Kuching [Bryan wasn’t agree with this, not wanting to see the same faces he has been seeing for 6 years! Hahaha…]
Johnny: That we can go back early this summer [ Everyone cheer that’s a GOOD wish!]
Lynn Wei: - Everyone is happy [Everyone: YEAH!!]
Me: Earn more and more MONEY $$$$ [Everyone: *LAUGH out LOUD*]
Kelvin: To all our family members in Malaysia, for their health and well being [Everyone: YEAH~]
Andrew: we all Pass 6th year [Everyone: YEAH~]
Ting: Errmm…can I pass on first??? [Everyone: No way! Just wish something! Our hands are tiring]
Okay okay.. Then lets wish that everyone will get the posting as soon as possible [Everyone: Yea, good wish]
Teo: All will study good good [Everyone: Hmm…True True….. ]
Shi How: All will be a specialist in future [Everyone: Yeah!]
Shoo Hao: Another group dinner next time [Everyone: Hahahaha, yea.. Lets wish for that too!]
Bryan: Er…ermm..erm.. I don’t know what to wish! [Everyone: Quick liao! Our hands are very tired holding the cup so high! Just wish!; Me: FASTER liao! Why the oldies [Ting and Bryan] are so slow! Hehehe..]
Andrew helped Bryan out by wishing the last wish which is
[Everyone: YEA!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! YEA!! FINALLY, WE Get to EAT!!]

Now, lets start eating….. Me, sitting in the middle of all the dishes, and just in front of the Fried Rice….
Someone asked who doesn’t want Niny to sit there, raise their hands!
Everyone raised their hands, all of them was against me sitting on that place and required me to change place or rotating the sits after some time…. Hahaha….
So, in order to calm all of them down, I have to help them scoop as much fried rice as possible for them…

We finished the dinner quite fast because everyone was so hungry waiting for the dinner..

Everyone had stopped eating except me and Andrew, still continue eating, Andrew said, he will not stop eating until I stop…hahaha…so they chatted while waiting for us to finish, before continue with the desserts….which will be
Jelly, Salads, and Chocolate cake…
In the mean time, Johnny continue to take everyone’s portraits….


It’s quite hard to take bryan’s photos, because, he kept on keeping his head down…

But Johnny never gave up taking a good and complete photos of him…
He never gave up any good chance taking his photos..hahaha….

Bryan’s photos taken by ME.. He was telling story that time..haha..

Chin Shi HOW


Johnny, taken by Me…These are only the back part!
The front part, he DELETED it!! Because he doesn’t like it! Ish…
Wanted to show that he was wearing his PYJAMAS pants to dinner…
Anyway, these 2 photos showed some part of the pyjamas la…aihhh…

Johnny, listening very attentively to Bryan’s story….

Kelvin’s portraits…Too bad, Johnny didn’t take a normal photos of Kelvin because he went to rest right after he finish eating, and only came back to the dinner during desserts..

Liew Shoo Hao




Lynn Wei..

Me, listening to groupmates conversations… about the football strategy tomorrow..
We are having football match among 6th year 2nd sem groups…
Johnny, Shi how, andrew, ting, kelvin, shoo hao and eddy represented our group..
They never practiced together even once….so…lets see how they going to play tomorrow..hahaha…

Still got left over salad, so let us not waste it but finish it! Hahaha…

Andrew, wanting to fight me… grab the salads from me and finish the last few ‘mouth’ of salads..hahaha…

Andrew: “argg…my stomach cannot ‘tahan’ liao la...” …hahaha…

Andrew was showing his full stomach, which shaped out after so FULL….

I am so BLOATED tonight! Hahaha… that can cover all my 3 meals tomorrow! Hahaha..

All the plates left no foods this time… not like previous time, lots of foods left over…
Actually, the only left over was chocolate cake, because it was the last dish, and some of them didn’t manage to finish their own slice, so they ‘da pao’ it for tomorrow’s brunch…

Our 2009 AGM had now came to an end at 10.15 pm....
Okay, lets clean up now!

At First, this New Year Group Dinner didn’t have a good response from everyone of us, because some wanted to do something different from previous group dinners, meaning, preparing some unique dishes, which we never cook before…and for those who always escaped from cooking, have to do something different this time…

And, in conclusion, none of the unique dishes can be decided, cause the raw materials here are very limited and also the cost to prepare those unique dishes is quite high..
So the discussion ended with nothing decided….

Until the day before the dinner, the camera-man gave each of us in charge of one dish..
And this time, I am not allowed to do ‘lo han’ drinks…so, instead of me, Teo was given the “Honor” to prepare the “lo han” drinks, the most easiest dish of all…. Hahaha…

The dinner turned out very nice, even the dishes were almost the same as previous times but at least, there were some differences…hahaha…

So, after this New Year group dinner [also known as ANNUAL GROUP MAKAN], nobody knows when will be the next Group 4 MAKAN….
Maybe there will be one BBQ during summer… well, it still remain undecided…
And this 2009 AGM might be our last dinner…. Hahaha….

*Thanks to JOhnny for all the PHOTOS taken by his SLR CANON camera!*

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