August 11, 2011

Bad dream..

Had a very bad dream yesterday night....
My elder brother just came back home from Bintulu. He said he was attacked by many people and was admitted to Bintulu Hosp and eventually discharged well but noted his body had many healed wound and also his skin was like separated from the muscle and also many left open laceration wounds. So i brought him in to Emergency to stitch up the laceration wound and also to dress his wound. During the process of wound dressing, noted he slowly become drowsy and everything seems to crush, showing impending shock. Thus, he needed to be intubated as GCS dropped. I thought I will be very calm and cool cause I have seen so many and even worse cases than this. But at the moment i know my brother needed to be tubed, I was so worried, holding his shivering hands and cried cause i know once patient intubated, mortality of the patient will shoot up way far from recovery.

Was so so worried that my brother couldn't make it through and survive. AFter my brother being tubed, I finally woke up from my sleep, and only realized that it was only a dream....Thank GOd..

4 years ago, when i was in Kursk, I had once a bad dream too.. Also involved my family members, both my parents.
I was working in Emergency, then suddenly 2 trolley pushed in, and there were my dad and mom, who involved in a very serious accident. Both were pushed into the Red zone. There, I was so scared that both of my parents will leave me alone at such an early time. I was crying and woke up with tears rolling down my cheeks, only i know it was only a dream. A scary and bad dream. I hoped that dream never came true when I work in EMergency.

Please GOd, dont take away my parents and my family too early. I need them.
If it's possible, please bring me back to You earlier than them.

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